Friday, April 29, 2011

Use OData data with WCF Data Services and Silverlight 4

(...)The purpose is to build a Silverlight master-detail application composed of a ComboBox control to choose a customer and a DataGrid Control to see all the Customer orders. We will use Customers and Orders tables from Northwind OData feed which is at this address :

By Audrey Petit

Introduction à Open Data Protocol et WCF Data Services

(...)L'Open Data Protocol est un nouveau standard suivant le style d'architecture REST dont le but est de permettre aux applications d'exposer des données en tant que service à travers des réseaux intranet ou le Web.

WCF Data Services quant à lui est un composant serveur du Framework .NET basé sur WCF permettant la création de services utilisant l'Open Data Protocol.

By Florian Casabianca

OData - WCF Data Services Best Practices from TechEd

Advanced using OData in .NET: WCF Data Services

(...)In this article, I will give code samples showcasing the usage of OData in .NET (WCF Data Services). The samples will go in increasing order of complexity, addressing more and more advanced scenarios.(...)

By Vincent-Philippe Lauzon

OData] Use OData data with WCF Data Services and Silverlight 4

Consuming OData Feeds (Silverlight QuickStart)

(...)Silverlight includes a WCF Data Services client library that enables you to access data from any service that exposes an Open Data Protocol (OData) feed. OData is based on an entity and relationship model that enables you to access data in the style of representational state transfer (REST) resources. Silverlight-based applications can access this data through the standard HTTP protocol to execute queries, and to create, update, and delete data in the data service. OData enables you to create services that expose data to a variety of client applications. For more information, see the OData Web site.(...)

Wrap Odata

This articles shows how to wrap Odata around a particular dataSource

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Consuming WCF / ASMX / REST service using JQuery

(...) In this article I will explain how to consume a WCF / ASMX service using jQuery. The scope of the article is limited to creating & consuming different kind of services using jQuery. I have segregated this article into 7 topics based on the service consumption.

Calling ASMX Web service using jQuery
Calling WCF service using jQuery and retrieving data in JSON Format
Calling WCF service using jQuery and retrieving data in XML Format
Calling WCF service using jQuery and retrieving data in JSON Format (pass multiple input parameters) & ( Get multiple objects as output using DataContract)
Calling WCF service using jQuery[ Get Method] and retrieving data in JSON Format
Calling REST based WCF service using jQuery
Streaming an image through WCF and request it through HTTP GET verb..